Save The Date - RAPIDS!!

Well, it's finally arrived! The end of our scouting year. Now that summer is upon us, we're settling in for a couple of months filled with fun and excitement before the turmoil that's bound to happen as they all start middle school. So, get out your calendars and check the date!

SUN., JUNE 28TH 10am-7pm (or whenever you want to leave)

Send your child, bring your family -- it's open to EVERYONE!!!

The girls will be invited to sleep over on Saturday night for a fun-filled evening with plenty of food, music, movies and fun! Then we'll all trek up to Rapids on Sunday morning! The troop is funding all of the sleepover madness, as well as some good snacks and drinks that we can bring with us up to Rapids (for consumption in the outdoor picnic area).

We will also be funding the admission cost for ALL OF THE GIRLS. Each family member will be asked to pay for their own admission at the discounted group rate of $29.82 (includes tax), as well as parking. I'll be sending out more details as things firm up. But for now -- just clear the date and let's plan for a day of FAMILY FUN!!

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